Indiana Architectural Database Spotlight: White Chapel


White Chapel Rose-Hulman Institute Road, Terra Haute, Indiana VOA Associates, Lead Designer William Ketcham The White Chapel is a simple and dramatic landmark at the heart of Rose-Hulman Institute in Terra Haute, Indiana. The repetitive, enlarging, gothic arches provide a symbolic link to historical church iconography in a clean, sleek manner. The facility is a non-denominational worship center is a popular venue for weddings and other events. Construction was completed in 2005 and the project was awarded AIA Chicago’s Design Excellence Award. The Indiana Architecture Database was created to archive significant architectural works within the State of Indiana. For more information about this project and the Indiana Architecture Database visit

IAF Scholarship Spotlight: Megan York


BSU/Penn Student uses IAF Scholarship to explore architectural theory Megan York was a recipient of the IAF scholarship in 2017, 2018 , and 2019. She continues to shine in her architectural education pursuits and her burgeoning professional career. Megan York is currently an architecture graduate student at the University of Pennsylvania School of Design in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Her studies and work primarily focus on the integration between design aesthetics and its relevance to architectural history, philosophy, and advanced technologies today. Undergraduate Studies: Originally from Indianapolis, Indiana, York attended Ball State University’s College of Architecture & Planning from 2014-2018 for her undergraduate education. While in college, York explored innovative architectural design studies and was also interested in historic preservation. While attending Ball State, York was exposed to an array of influential professors who later helped her narrow her path to her current position at the University of Pennsylvania, including professors like Sean Burns, Josh Coggeshall, and James Kerestes – among many others. In 2018, York graduated from Ball State University summa cum laude in 2018 with the highest GPA of her graduating class at the College of Architecture & Planning. Summer Internships in Indiana: While attending undergraduate school, York was also […]